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Friday, October 18, 2013

Homemade Baby Carrier Wrap (and How To Tie It)

I have been baby-wearing sweet T-Rex since she was a few weeks old. We were gifted a Snugli carrier, which I used for months, but it KILLED my lower back within minutes. As I started researching other carriers, I came across the Moby and Boba wraps. They get awesome reviews and other mothers (and fathers) swear by them. They looked so comfy and you are able to hold your baby so close, but the prices were holding me back. They are upwards of $40! For a long strip of fabric. My solution: make one myself. 
Here is what you will need: 
5-6 yards of stretch fabric (I intended to buy jersey cotton, but ended up with a strip of polyester instead. It still works perfectly, but doesn't breathe as much as jersey would) 
A pair of scissors 
1. Lay your fabric flat along the floor. Try to smooth it out into one long strip. IMG_20130912_210303
2. Fold your fabric in half along the length of the fabric (or as we early childhood educators might say, hot dog style!)
IMG_20130912_210353 (1)
3. Cut along the fold. You will end up with two strips. That's right! You just made two wraps, one for Mom, the other for Dad, Grandma's house, or another momma! I gifted my other one to a pregnant friend. 
Now how to wrap that darn strip? Here a some videos! I hope they help. Please excuse the angry T-Rex noises in the background. Hubster took a few takes but T-Rex was greatly protesting me not holding her. Also, if these are too fast or confusing, YouTube "how to tie Moby wrap." There are some great videos out there. It looks confusing, but practice it a few times and it will seem second nature (or at least it does for me now).

Clearly, we LOVE our baby wrap! I seriously use this thing daily. We can't even make it through an entire grocery trip without it. Hopefully your wrap will be as helpful for you!

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