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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Eleni's Stuffed Tomato Recipe

Hi all! I've been super busy trying some new recipes and deciding what to post on here. I've got a particular recipe I'm looking forward to posting, but am working on getting all the ingredients together to cook it again with photos. I'm also working on regular and low carb pita recipes. I'll be sure to share when I get them to my liking!

Today, I want to share what we had for dinner: stuffed tomatoes. These were oh-so good! You should definitely give this recipe a try! We had ours along with Γιαγια's (yiayia's or grandma's) recipe for φασολακια (green beans), which is another recipe near and dear to my heart that I or Alex will have to share. Onto this recipe.

Stuffed Tomatoes:

  • 4 large beefsteak tomatoes 
  • 1 lb. ground beef 
  • 1/2 onion, minced
  • 1 1/2 t. salt 
  • 1 1/2 t. black pepper 
  • 1 t. oregano 
  • 1 t. garlic powder 
  • desired amount of feta cheese, crumbled (I would have used a larger chunk, but only had a little left)
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  2. Cut the tops off each tomato. Using a spoon (I used a dessert spoon with a serrated edge), scoop and scrape around the edge of the tomato to remove the insides from the outer meat and skin. Set hollow tomatoes aside. 

  3. Into a medium bowl, scoop the tomato seeds and juice. I discarded the majority of the tomato meat. The juice helps keep the meat moist and give it a great flavor. Add the beef, onion, and seasonings to the bowl and mash and mix with a fork until well incorporated.

     (This is most of the inner tomato meat. Discard this, or blend it and season it for tomato sauce!)
  4. In a large skillet, brown beef completely. Add feta cheese and mix until fully incorporated.  

  5. Place hollow tomatoes into a baking dish. Spoon and fill the meat mixture into each tomato. 
  6. Bake tomatoes for 25 minutes. 

Viola! Don't those look tasty? As T-Rex says "Mmmm, Momma! Delicious!" 

Keep an eye for more yummy things from us sisters. We have lots more coming your way! Until next time! 


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