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Friday, October 18, 2013

Eating Healthy While On the Go

A friend of mine told me how she felt there are not enough ideas on eating healthy with a busy schedule or on the go. I thought I would share a few of the things we do around here to make sure we have something to grab when we are out the door. One thing I always try to keep around the house is trail mix. I love trail mix because you can add whatever suits you. For instance, I am not fond of peanuts, but almost all of the pre-made, store-bought trail mix uses peanuts as its primary filler. I have been making trail mix for years. It is great to keep around, easy to bag to throw in a purse or lunch bag, and is pretty filling. I'll share what I put in mine, but remember that it is so easy to customize to your own taste. 
Eleni's Favorite Trail Mix:
  • 1 bag of whole, salted almonds
  • 1 bag or canister of salted cashews
  • 1 bag of dried mixed berries
  • 1/2 bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • Large container with lid                                                                 IMG_20131011_204256
  1. Starting with almonds, add a layer to cover the bottom of the container.
  2. Add a layer of each ingredient:cashews, berries, chocolate chips, almonds, cashews, berries, chocolate chips, almonds, and so on and so forth.                        IMG_20131011_204311
  3. Continue this pattern of layers until you have used all ingredients. Cap the container and shake well to mix.
  4. Cap your container to store and enjoy your mix. IMG_20131011_204530
Another thing I like to keep stocked is a little "snack basket" in the fridge. I'll list what I keep in this, then give needed guides further down the page. It takes maybe 30 minutes to fill, so I block out some time at the beginning of the week and BAM! snacks for the whole week!
 At the beginning of the week, I slice up a block of each Colby Jack, Mild Cheddar, and Mozzarella cheese. I add about 3 slices of each cheese to sandwich bags. I toss these into the basket for a quick, easy, healthy, keto-friendly snack. I also keep a bag of pepperoni in the basket. It is easy to throw a handful of these into a cheese bag to take with. I also like to keep hard-boiled eggs in the snack basket. I always manage to mess up the boiling, so instead I bake my eggs. It makes for fool-proof, easy-to-peel eggs! I also like to keep easy to grab, ready-washed fruit. I normally add pears or apples, since they need no container. T-Rex also loves apples and pears! You can add any fruit, or snack, for that matter, that you like. The last handy snack I keep around is a large container of celery and carrot sticks. Throw some in a baggie, grab a little container of your favorite dip, and you are good to go!
Baked "Hard-Boiled" Eggs: 
I found the guide/idea for this on Pinterest. Here is the original blog post for this:
  • One dozen eggs (or how ever many you would like to make)
  • Mini muffin pan
  • Large bowl
  • Cold water and ice
  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Load your eggs into the mini muffins tins.
  3. Bake eggs for 30-35 minutes. Speckling on the egg shell is normal.
  4. Fill the large bowl with cold water and ice.
  5. Remove eggs from oven. Let cool for a few minutes. Carefully submerge eggs in the cold water.
  6. Let eggs soak for 10 minutes. Remove from bowl and dry shell.
I know this is a long post, but I have one more thing to share with you! Since quick, easy, healthy recipes are something I think everyone can benefit from, I will try to post a "Hump Day" recipe every Wednesday to help you get through the rest of your week. This week I will post a quick and yummy recipe for chicken tacos in your slow cooker! 
Slow Cooker Chicken Tacos:
  • 4 chicken breasts
  • Half jar of your favorite salsa
  • The following seasonings to taste: cumin, chili powder, salt, and pepper
  • Your favorite taco holder, be it a flour or corn tortilla or taco shells
  • Your choice of toppings. We use shredded Colby Jack, shredded lettuce, sour cream, and sometimes sliced or chopped black olives
  • Slow cooker
  1. Add chicken breasts to the slow cooker. I have actually managed this recipe with frozen or thawed chicken. Don't judge! We all have our busy or forgetful days!
  2. Thoroughly cover chicken with seasonings.
  3. Add half of jar of salsa to slow cooker, coating the tops of the chicken.
  4. Add lid to slow cooker and let this magical device do its thang! Cook thawed chicken on high for 3-4 hours or on low for 6-7 hours. Using frozen chicken, cook on high for 5-6 hours or on low for 8-9 hours. You will know the chicken is done when you can easily pull it apart with two forks. Thoroughly shred the chicken.
  5. Add chicken to your choice taco holder. Add toppings and stuff your hungry face!
For you low-carbers out there, we have found a yummy solution to your tortilla problem. Hubster discovered La Tortilla Factory high fiber tortillas. They taste just like the whole wheat tortillas we enjoyed before Hubster went Keto. They have 10 grams of carbohydrates per tortilla, but 7 grams of fiber, so it evens out to a net total of 3 carbs. Not too shabby when you need an authentic taco fix! They are tricky to find, though, which is why I am linking to Amazon. Walmart does not carry them, but I have managed to find them at Pricechopper and the health food section at Hy-Vee. 

Again, I know this post has been long, but I hope you find it helpful. Let me know what you think of the chicken tacos. We love them around here! Until next time.



  1. Eleni, this is AWESOME! I am going to post soon I PROMISE. Also, your blog design is GORGEOUS. I LOVE YOU! <3 <3 <3

  2. Hey, think we are making these tacos this weekend, but instead of tortilla/taco shells, I'm just going to use fresh iceberg lettuce wraps. Can't wait to try this out!
